iNBEVERAGES is a Greek company created with a vision to produce drinks that do us good, naturally, easily and effectively. As the iΝ (intelligent Nutrition) in our name says, we create Intelligent Drinks that bring the beneficial properties of traditional medicinal herbs and other natural ingredients into our everyday lives.
The modern lifestyle is so demanding that we often neglect ourselves. At iNBEVERAGES our purpose is to take care of him. In a simple and enjoyable way, like a cup of coffee or tea, we rejuvenate our body and spirit, every moment. Through a large collection of products that are good for us, we help ourselves to find our balance again.
Our products are based on medicinal herbs and other natural ingredients with scientifically proven beneficial effects. We carefully select and manage them in a natural way. We have created the philosophy of intelligent Nutrition, from the first to the last stage of our production, combining thousands of years of tradition with scientific knowledge and advanced technology.
Our products are part of our daily diet. As Hippocrates said, "Let your Food be your Medicine and your Food be your Medicine."